Traitor & Terminator Genes
More updated information on the Terminator Genes... | | |
The hideous truth about the Traitor & Terminator Gene. � Yes these genes are in the pipeline to control our farmers and our kid�s food. � Our Prime Minister and Premiers don't seem to have heard about these genes. Any decent person who had even heard about them would never allow genetically engineered plants into Australia.� Please let our Prime Minister and your Premier know about them. Ask them why they would ever hand over such control of our children's genetic heritage to some foreign drug company.
Here are some links to explain about them.
Terminator and Traitor Gene Links
Traitor Technology | |
Terminator to Traitor Genes | |
Suicide Seeds - Bombshell in Bangkok | |
Canadian Government to unleash Terminator Bombshell | |
Traitor Technology: "Damaged Goods" from the Gene Giants | |
WORLD IN FOCUS - Interview with Jeremy Rifkin | |
Call for ban on Terminator Patents | |
Genesis of Eden Diversity Encyclopedia | |
The Terminator Gene is Still on Fast Track |
Syngenta Goes Forward on Terminator Gene |
The threat of "Terminator" Gene Technology to farmers and food biodiversity |
Terminator Gene and those disgusting people controlling Monsanto. |
From 'Terminator' to 'Traitor' (technologies) Genetic Engineering Information, Political Action Opportunities, Information and Organizations |